So these pictures were from several days ago on one of the nice days that we could get outside and run off some energy. I was mostly just snapping pictures to take up some time and hoping to get some good shots in general. I got tons of pictures but am only sharing two on this post, because there is a lot of repeated pictures of the baby as he is the only one that moves slow enough for me to get good pictures lol. So I slipped yesterday, day one of trying to be a non-smoker, and felt bad but yet still crave more. I really hate this being unable to decide where I am on it, but yet here I sit, another rough day with more not so good news, and still craving a smoke to make something, anything really feel like normal. I am so scared of failing, and letting people down, but most of them are ok with me making the decision to still be a smoker. They are ok to admit that maybe it's just not my time, and that maybe I will just have to try again at a later time, when it feels more right/ready. So I don't know, maybe this blog should have been named something else so that if I failed it wasn't a constant reminder? Hmmm, thoughts to be pondered? But anyhow, here's the pictures.

This is my middle son, he hardly ever holds still for me to take a good picture. It's always approaching the camera and saying "cheeseburger" lol

The nice days of spring, this is my youngest son enjoying the swing on our porch. This is one sure fire way to make him ready to take a nap. No matter if he just woke up or if he's been up for a couple hours, this swing has a certain sedative property that I, as an adult, doesn't understand lol
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