Kids enjoying Spring

Kids enjoying Spring
This is my middle son, and my friends kids playing in the garden faucet, and loving every minute.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Family Member

Midnight Rose

This is my favorite picture so far, its so clear.

I just wanted to post this one for my oldest daughter Katie. This is her new 6 week old lionhead bunny, Midnight. She is just cute as hell, and Katie is absolutely in love with her, I'll have to post a picture of Katie holding her when I can get one taken :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Forgotten Pictures

Happy Birthday to my youngest daughter, Josie. She turned 7 on the 28th of April, I remembered to get pictures but forgot to post them so I wanted to do it now while I had the free time. Love you baby!

Fun Times and Friends

Rylin thinks she is just the coolest turd around since she can jump on the trampoline :)

All that jumping makes for a thirsty girl.

Boys love mud, it's so typical, but still cute :)

Notice the broken plant? That is the handy work of Connor earlier that day.


So yesterday I found a dead baby bird on the ground behind my back porch. I picked it up and threw it in the trash so none of my kids stepped on it. Then later that evening I found another one, I got my glove on and went to pick it up, and it moved. It was still alive. My boys were very concerned, and my farmer husband told me to throw it away and that the mama bird wouldn't care for it since it smelled like human. So I reluctantly threw it away. I couldn't seem to get it off my mind, I kept going back to see it still breathing and flopping around. So I had the genius idea to google it, and found out that birds can't smell really. So I put it back, well a few hours later it fell out again. It broke my heart to think that it was going to die cold, alone and hungry :( So I picked it up and brought it inside, made a little make-shift bed with a warm washrag under it for warmth. I waited 5 minutes and then came back to check on it, well it was perked up and ready to eat :) I looked it up and with the suggestion of canned dog food, (which I don't have) I grabbed canned cat food and took the gravy off of it into a dropper. It took it right down. Then it ate several more times before I went to bed, then prayed for the best. Woke up this morning to find it was still alive :) So here's hoping for the best. Yes I know it's illegal to keep it, but I'm only going to keep it till it starts to fly, then we will release it.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Random Thoughts

So I sit here reading other blogs about how much our children have grown and am forced to look at my own, Katie will be 10 at the end of this year and already has a cell phone (my own doing). However with the hours her dad works on his weeks with the girls it was a needed device, and while I didn't sign a contract, it still makes me nervous to have so much faith in her usually scatterbrained personality that she might just prove my fears wrong. I am really hoping that she can shock me with her maturity and how to properly handle it. My youngest girl just turned 7 last week and, well what can be said for Josie? She is just Josie. :) I do love that girl, but man can she test my patience daily lol. She decided it was finally time to get her ears pierced, so off we went to Claire's at the mall in Ames, and when they actually do it, she didn't flinch. Not a muscle. She made me so proud, considering she can be a bit chicken-ish at times. Hard to believe that my girls are 7 and 9 already, that's 3rd grade and kindergarten. Then there is Gabe, he is in preschool, and man is he more than ready for kindergarten. After kindergarten round-up he actually told his teacher that he didn't miss her at all that week :( I felt so bad for her. Connor will be 3 this fall, man has time flown for him. Walking, talking (NO! is his favorite phrase), climbing, eating, eating, eating, and just getting into every no-no that he can imagine. He is such a sweetheart too, but man is he ever so feisty. Forrest will be 1 less than 2 months :( Makes me so sad to think that the first and most treasured time with a tiny baby flies by so fast. He has learned to crawl (with a kickstand), now standing in his crib, starting to figure out how to stand with furniture, eating solids (and loving them), he is becoming less and less of a cuddler and more of a "basher" lol. But wow does time fly, I keep telling myself that at some point time has to slow down, for us to try to enjoy each other more, but everyday only seems to go by faster. Seems like it was only yesterday that my first was born, and now we are a family with 5 kids. Amazing how things change in life.